Four Benefits of Increasing the natural HGH levels

As you know Human Growth Hormone is the most important hormone secreted in the anterior pituitary glands of the human body. The main function of this hormone is to promote and regulate the regeneration and growth of the cells and tissues in the body further leading to the overall growth of the human body.

HGH in children helps them in developing their body organs, increase in the height and also their immunity system. But the same helps the adults to maintain and regulate the overall health of the body. Exercise and workouts help increase the level of HGH in the body naturally. Adequate sleep of at least eight hours helps regulate the production of HGH in the body naturally.

HGH an important factor to increase your body’s immunity:

Deficiency of HGH can lead to a lot of problems right from ageing to age related problems. HGH helps you to fight against diseases by increasing the blood count in the body. Increase in the level of HGH in the body will increase the level of HGH in the body naturally at the same time helping you to the overall well being of the bodily organs, enhancing the cardiovascular health, improves the brain power and the texture of skin and skin tone.

Yet another benefit of HGH is that by increasing the secretion of HGH naturally in the body it helps to stimulate and increase the hormonal level in the body thus further leading to the increase in the energy level of the bodily organs. An increase in the level of HGH also helps you to get the required amount of sleep thus helping you out with a better stamina to work the next day.

HGH helps build muscles:

Increase in the HGH helps in the production of the much needed proteins in the body muscles thus increasing the metabolic activities of the body and helps burn those extra fats accumulated in the body. Increase in the HGH level in the body brings about the biggest advantage and i.e. the increase in the metabolic activities of the body thus solving a lot of other health related problems.

Increase in HGH—retain your youthful look:

As you grow older the level of HGH in the body decreases. The maximum amount of secretion of HGH in the body is during your adolescent period. Later on as you grow older it gradually decreases not only due to age factor but due to various other reasons. Thus begins the process of ageing and with it comes various other health related problems associated with ageing like wrinkles, arthritis, loss in sexual powers etc. But with an increase in the HGH level you can slowly but steadily increase the level of HGH in the body. New cells are regenerated and you feel the glow on your skin. There is an increase in the metabolic activities of the body thus helping you to burn out all those extra pounds of fats. There are many oral HGH supplements available in the market which helps you to boost the HGH level in the body naturally without causing any side effects.

Laser Stretch Marks Treatment – Painless and Permanent Solution to Stretch marks

Stretch marks are very irritating. But now there is nothing to be worried about it. With the help of laser stretch marks treatment, it can easily be removed for good. Generally, stretch marks appear during two stages of life. This could be pregnancy and puberty. Each time it appears due to the sudden expansion of skin beyond its expandable limit. Around 50%-90% pregnant ladies develop such nauseating stretch marks on their thighs, hips, breast, and abdomen at some point of time during pregnancy. But thanks to laser stretch marks treatment, one can get it removed easily and without any pain.

Laser Stretch Marks Treatment

Here is how Laser Stretch Marks Work?

Not many treatments are there for the stretch marks on the body. But some are of-course there that promises permanent solutions to these stretch marks. And one of the most popular treatments is laser stretch marks treatment or laser surgery. The treatment given with the help of the lasers is purely painless but it does take some time.

Laser stretch marks treatment works by repairing the skin’s natural fusion of collagen. Collagen goes a long way in repairing and rejuvenating tissues of skin. Basically it is a protein rich compound. Cosmetic laser stretch marks treatment stimulates the renewed growth of the collagen that has been depleted. It eliminates the skin tissue that is damaged, seals the damaged vessels of blood and repairs the middle skin’s fibers which goes a long way in filling the stretch marks on the body.

Laser goes deep down the skins and thus repairs the damaged skin in a very effective way. Stretch marks also get treated with the help of Laser stretch marks surgery. It is one of the most fruitful technological innovations of the medical science. It not only treats stretch marks but also treats several diseases. Here is something one must keep in mind if going for laser surgery for the treatment of the stretch marks on the body.

Pros and Cons of Laser Treatment

The main advantage of laser stretch marks treatment is that the person undergoing this treatment runs no risk of blood loss and infection. It is not a painful procedure and it requires almost no recuperation time. One need not spend a long period of time in hospital. As soon as the session is over, you can go back to your home.

Like some other treatment, laser stretch marks treatment has some drawbacks. In the first place, it is very expensive treatment and in the second place, it requires several treatment sessions to see some differences. Putting aside these two factors, laser stretch marks treatment is very effective way to get rid of stretch marks.

Last but not least, no doubt, a laser stretch marks treatment goes a long way in getting rid of stretch marks. However, it is a wise step to consider the pros and cons of the laser stretch marks treatments carefully to avoid any unwanted or adverse effects.



If you think you’re alone in your struggle against adult acne, you may be surprised to learn that some 10 percent of Americans between ages 25 and 44 have the same problem. Most are women, though some men get acne, too.

While acne can be embarrassing, it’s seldom serious. The majority of cases respond well to self-care. Combining over-the­counter acne treatments with proven alternative remedies may be your ticket to clear, problem-free skin.

Acne begins in hair follicles that are connected to the sebaceous glands. These glands produce oil, or sebum, which helps keep the skin from drying out. Normally, the oil flows out of the hair follicles and travels through the pores to the surface of the skin. Along the way, it picks up dead skin cells that are constantly sloughing off inside the hair follicles.

This process is disrupted during puberty, when the body’s level of male sex hormones called androgens surges higher. Androgens enlarge the sebaceous glands, boosts oil production, makes the walls of hair follicles less flexible, and causes shedding skin cells to clump together. Combine these changes with the bacteria that live inside hair follicles, and conditions are ripe for plugs to form. These plugs, called comedones, block pores and lead to acne.

Once a plug forms, it may get pushed to the surface of the skin, where it protrudes slightly. This is what’s known as a black­head. The dark color of a blackhead comes not from dirt but rather from skin pigment that gets mixed into the plug as it travels to the surface. Usually, a blackhead does not become a full-fledged pimple.

If a plug doesn’t move to the surface of the skin but instead continues to grow inside a hair follicle, it can rupture the follicle wall. Then the oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria that made up the plug spill into the tissue around the follicle, causing a minor infection. In response, infection-fighting white blood cells rush to the scene. Their battle against the invading bacteria produces a pimple.

Pimples take three basic forms: Pustules are the classic whiteheads. Papules are red bumps that remain bumps-they don’t turn into whiteheads. Nodules are cysts that form on the surface of the skin. These can cause scarring.

Pimples and blackheads seem to prefer facial skin, which has the most sebaceous glands. But they can also appear on the chest and back, where the skin has quite a few of those oil-producing glands, says Nicholas J. Lowe, M.D., clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine.

Some 85 percent of young people between ages 12 and 25 experience acne. Most outgrow the condition over time, as their bodies adjust to the higher levels of androgens. But if your acne has lingered well into adulthood, it doesn’t mean that you have even more androgens than everyone else. Rather, you may be extrasensitive to these hormones.

There’s also the possibility that some other factor is putting you at risk. In women, the hormonal fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy can trigger breakouts. So can taking oral contraceptives or postmenopausal hormone-replacement therapy. Other contributing factors include stress, sunlight, cosmetics, and some medications. Facial irritation can also be a problem-for instance, from holding the phone next to your face all day.

No matter what the cause of acne, the treatment remains pretty much the same. Mainstream medicine offers an array of over­the-counter and prescription medicines that do a good job of clearing skin quickly. But if you want to enhance the effectiveness of whatever medication you’re using, or if you’ve tried a number of medications without success, consider adding a blend of natural and alternative remedies to your skin-care regimen.

Best Choices


Partake of more fiber. Several population studies suggest that eating more fiber and less meat and processed foods can help keep your complexion clear.

There’s no guarantee that eating more fiber will improve your complexion. But you have plenty of other health reasons to increase your fiber intake. So start replacing animal-derived and processed foods with plenty of whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. If this dietary change also helps control acne, so much the better.

Keep an eye on iodine. Large doses of iodine can aggravate acne, according to Joseph PizzornoJr., N.D. We Americans get most of our iodine from iodized salt. Cutting back on salt-laden foods-especially snack foods like potato chips, crackers, and pretzels-may help control breakouts. Other high-iodine foods include beef liver, turkey, asparagus, broccoli, and white onions.


Zap breakouts with zinc. About a dozen studies have analyzed zinc supplementation as an acne treatment. Most suggest that zinc has significant benefit. In one study, people who took 135 milligrams of zinc every day for 12 weeks saw 85 percent of their blemishes disappear.

Zinc works by reducing blood levels of the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone (DH1). DHT is believed to trigger even more breakouts than other androgens. Dr. Pizzorno suggests taking 50 milligrams of zinc a day until your blemishes clear up. But check with your doctor first since zinc dosages over 30 milligrams should only be taken under medical supervision.

Herbal Medicine

Become acne-free with tea tree. When the British explorer James Cook first arrived in Australia in 1777, he found the native aborigines treating skin infections with the crushed leaves of the tea tree. As modern science has discovered, the oil released by crushing tea tree leaves is a powerful antiseptic that can help battle acne.

Tea tree oil is available in most health food stores and some drugstores. Read labels and choose a product that contains 100 percent pure oil, advises Andrew T. Weil, M.D., director of the program in integrative medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson.

Tea tree oil is intended for topical use only. It should never be ingested. And if it irritates your skin, stop using it.

Chickenpox: Diagnostic and Treatment

Chickenpox is a highly contagious childhood disease. About 95 percent of all children have been infected with it before adolescence, most commonly between ages three and nine. The disease is caused by the varicella zoster virus, which is transmitted by direct contact with an infected person. It is contagious a day or two before its characteristic itchy rash appears, so a child may catch it from another before signs of infection are apparent. Clusters of small red bumps progress to blisters and scabs within 24 hours, but new clusters continue forming for four or five days. The disease remains contagious until the final crop of blisters forms scabs. The virus then becomes dormant in the body, but may reappear years later as shingles. A person who lacks immunity to the varicella virus can contract chickenpox if exposed to someone with a shingles rash.


Diagnostic Studies And Procedures

Pediatricians usually diagnose chicken poxover the phone, to avoid having infected children in the office where they may give it to others. The parent’s description of symptoms is the essential diagnostic tool. A fever and the typical rash are the key signs. If I’ve never had chickenpox, is it risky for me to take care of a child who has it? What should I do if my child gets chickenpox while I’m pregnant? Do you favor immunizing children against chickenpox? And what about adults who have not had the disease?

Medical Treatments

A pediatrician’s care is not usually required, unless the patient has a weakened immune system or develops severe complications. In such cases, acyclovir, an antiviral drug, may be administered intravenously Common complications of chicken ­ pox are skin infections from scratching the blisters. These are usually treated with antibiotics. If itching is intense and the child cannot be prevented from scratching, the doctor may prescribe an antihistamine pill or ointment. The disease is much more serious in adults than in children; complications may include pneumonia , hepatitis , and even encephalitis, a brain inflammation. Any adult who contracts chickenpox should seek prompt medical care.

Alternative Therapies

Herbal Medicine

Some practitioners recommend adding essences of ginger or elecampane to bath water to alleviate itchy skin. Others advocate drinking mild catnip tea to reduce fever and promote sleep. Some herbal books suggest drinking an infusion of yarrow leaves and flower tops to reduce fever, but this may cause an upset stomach. Also, yarrow contains derivatives of salicylic acid, the major ingredient in aspirin, which is contraindicated for children with chickenpox.


Soothing baths often relieve itching, at least temporarily Use lukewarm water and add to it 4 to 8 ounces of baking soda, or 1 to 2 cups of finely ground oatmeal. You can grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, or purchase pre ground colloidal oatmeal at a pharmacy

Nutrition Therapy

No special diet is required, but the child should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids, especially if there is fever. Some naturopaths advise giving soy or almond milk instead of cow’s milk until the infection clears up. Drinking diluted grape juice and eating grapes is some times suggested to reduce fever, but no evidence exists to support this advice.

Self Treatment

Scratching the blisters can lead to infection and scarring. Cut the child’s nails short and wash his hands often with antibacterial soap. Put a pair of light mittens or socks on a baby’s hands. Give the sick child a lukewarm sponge bath with mild soap several times a day Do not rub the skin, but pat it dry instead, to reduce the chances of infection. Apply calamine lotion or a mild antihistamine lotion to alleviate itching and dry the blisters. For blisters in the mouth, have the child gargle with salt water. Give acetaminophen for fever and general achiness, but never give aspirin to a child or adolescent with chicken pox. When taken during a viral infection, aspirin increases the risk of Reye’s syndrome, a potentially fatal illness .

Other Causes of Childhood Rashes

In a young child, herpes, heat rash, or impetigo may look like chickenpox. Also, some children develop very mild cases, with little or no rash, and their chickenpox may be mistaken for a cold or other mild viral infection. Chickenpox can be prevented or modified by an injection of zoster immune globulin (ZIG), provided it is given within 96 hours of exposure to the disease. This is usually done if a child has leukemia or some other disorder that lowers the body’s resistance. It is also sometimes given to newborn babies whose mothers developed chickenpox within five days of giving birth or two days after delivery. There is a also a new vaccine that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1995 despite controvery over its use. Some officials argue that because chickenpox is usually harmless, albeit uncomfortable for the child and inconvenient for the parents, a vaccine is not worth the cost. However, supporters of chickenpox immunization argue that about 100 children die from the disease each year, and that adults who contract it can suffer severe complications. Child hood immunization may also prevent shingles.

Rebound Headaches



If you are suffering from headache or if there are any indications of headache, you will immediately go for a pain killer. A pain killer offers an immediate relief for rare headaches. But certainly there will be a boundary for this. If you are taking pain killers for more than thrice a week, you are in fact causative for those headaches, instead of reducing them. These kind of frequent headaches are called as Rebound headaches.

These frequent headaches will start if you take the pain killers very frequently as informed thrice a week, going against the doctor’s prescription. Shortly, you will become accustomed to the headache medicines. Until your head began to damage, you may not understand that you are using the medication more than the prescribed amount. To prevent these rebound headaches, there is only one approach that is to discontinue using the headache medicines.

Signs and Symptoms

These Rebound headaches are also known as Medicines overuse headaches – likely to take place each and every day of the week, occasionally it will wake you from the sleep before time and remains for whole day. The headache may be some times more brutal at the beginning when you stop talking the medicines.

Also, there are many other indications for these Rebound headaches. They are:

  • Recollection problems.
  • Nervousness.
  • Resistive ness, bad temper.
  • Vomiting or Sickness


Almost all the pain killers will lead to Rebound headaches. But some of the pain killers are most possible for these rebound head aches.

  • Effortless pain killers: General medicines such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen and aspirin lead to these Rebound headaches, if you use them over dosage .
  • Mixture of pain killers: Main culprits for these Rebound headaches are the over-the-counter pain killers such as Excedrin, aspirin and some more.
  • Migraine medicines: Different kinds of Migraine medicines are also linked with these kinds of headaches such as Ergomar, Zomig and others.


To prevent from these kinds of Rebound headaches, only solution is to take care of you.

  • Keep away from headache generation: If you are not sure of what are all the causes for these headaches, maintain a dairy and note down all the details related to these kinds of headaches. When was it started? What are all the activities you are performing at that time? What kind of food you have taken at that day? In what way you sleep? How much time did this pain lasts for?
  • Acquire a sufficient sleep: Maintain the same time for going to bed and waking up, even if it is weekend. If you are not relaxed at the bed, don’t try to sleep forcefully. Watch TV or read some books until you are tired and get a natural sleep.
  • Don’t avoid taking food: Begin the day with some good breakfast, take lunch in afternoon and Dinner at night almost the same time.

Invigorise Testimonials and Frequently Asked Questions

Couples from all over the world are experiencing invigorise results. This is a product that was created to help man increase ejaculation volume and help couples enjoy sex more-and to help them have sex more often.

invigorise Testimonials


“I was in a very sad situation. My girlfriend laughed at me when I came and not much sperm was emitted. Needless to say, I ended that relationship because she made fun of me. However, I also got my hands on some invigorise and found myself a more supportive woman and we enjoy a great sex life together.”- Dermott Washington

“I secretly wanted to be more like the guys in those porn videos. I mean, they are always showing these men who have these really long penises who shoot out loads of cum. I thought if I could even perform half as good as those seemingly unrealistic productions, I’d be happy. I got way more than I hoped for while trying invigorise.” – John

“I did not believe it was possible to have a bigger sperm volume at my age. I did not believe it until after I tried invigorise. Not to mention, my woman is so blown away and we are now enjoying greater intimacy together and having sex way more often.” – Will B. Port

“The embarrassment and shame of a low sperm count is now gone. I have increased self-confidence and I enjoy sex way more than I used to. I cannot wait until my next mind-blowing orgasm. The lady in my life cannot wait to have sex with me again either. Major boost to my ego!” – Louis, Limon – Costa Rica

“The problem started shortly after my 30th birthday. My sperm load started to become smaller and smaller every single time. This was hard to take since my wife and me wanted to try to have another child. I was not sure if I would still be able to provide the sperm needed to fertilize her eggs, but then I learned about invigorise.” – Bruce Claven, Los Angeles CA

“I was starting to feel inferior to those guys only half my age. So, I had to do something. I very reluctantly tried invigorise and I am so glad I did! My wife is also glad I did and we are ‘doing it like rabbits’ once again.” – Coll, Victoria, BC

Frequently Asked Questions

Is invigorise Safe?

Yes, at least for most men. If you have any existing health conditions or if you are already using supplements that have some of the same ingredients as invigorise you should consult your doctor. This will ensure less of a chance of overdose, but overall there has not been any side effects reported while using this product.

Who uses this product?

A man of any age who wants to experience a greater sperm volume. This helps him enjoy sex more and it also helps him please his partner more. It is more recommended for men over 18, though.

How long does it take before results are noticed?

It depends upon the man. Some men have reported a difference almost immediately, while others noticed a result after a few days of use. Some men who used it had to be more patient, but noticed satisfactory results within a few short weeks.


An allergy is a by the body’s immune system against a normally harmless substance, or allergen. Almost anything can trigger an allergic reaction addition to those pictured to the ri ht, some common allergens are molds, tobacco smoke, certain foods ad food additives, insect venom, and chemicals in plants, cosmetics, perfumes, detergents, and soaps. The first time a allergen enters the body, the immune system reacts by making a defensive antibody called IgE. This initial exposure does not produce symptoms, but the IgE a triodes become attach to other defending parts of the immune ne system, either basophilic, types of white blood cells, or mast cells,which line he airways, intestines, and skin. On a future exposure to the allergen, the programmed antibodies bind to it and signal the mast cells or basophils to produce a barrage of histamines an other substances that cause allergi symptoms. Because histamines exert the greatest effect on the s in mucous membranes, eyes, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract, most allergic reactions involve these organs. Depending on the nature of the allergy, symptom range on the sneezing, runny nose, an itchy, teary eyes of hay fever r, to hives, headaches, diarrhea, and he life threatening systemic collapse of anaphylactic shock. Doctors do not fully understand why so many people develop allergies. But because they run in families, an inherited predisposition is likely.

Diagnostic Studies an Procedures

In most cases, symptoms of an allergic reaction are self evident, but finding just what triggers them often requires considerable detective work. Doctors start by asking a number of questions such as: Are the symptoms seasonal? Do other family members have similar symptoms? What seems to trigger them? Do you own any pets? A physical examination helps to rule out other conditions that have similar symptoms. Allergy tests may then be ordered to pinpoint specific allergens. The most common are skin tests, in which the skin is exposed to small amounts of suspected allergens and then observed for a reaction. Alternative studies include provocation tests, in which the patient inhales or ingests suspected allergens, and blood tests to look for IgE antibodies. Exposure to allergens should always be done in a doctor’s office or clinic, so that if a severe reaction should occur, it can be treated immediately.

Medical Treatments

Doctors agree that the best approach is to identify and then avoid the suspected allergen. Unfortunately, avoidance is not always possible. In such cases, treatments vary according to severity of symptoms and the types of allergens.

Allergy Medications

Hay fever and other types of pollen allergies are usually treated with drugs that counteract or inhibit histamines. The antihistamines in many nonprescription allergy medications produce drowsiness. (Such antihistamines should never be taken with alcohol, which increases their sedative effect. Also, they may worsen glaucoma, as well as prostate and urinary tract disorders.) There are prescription antihistamines, which do not enter the brain and are nonsedating; examples include terfenadine (Seldane) and astemizole (Hismanal). An alternative prescription medication, chromolyn sodium (Nasalcrom), is an aerosol nasal spray that inhibits the mast cells from releasing histamine, thus preventing nasal congestion. In severe cases, steroids may also be prescribed. These work by temporarily blocking the action of white blood cells. They also block prostaglandins, body chemicals that produce inflammation and swelling. Steroids that are used for treating allergies are usually inhaled or applied to the skin. Other allergy medications work by countering specific symptoms. For example, decongestants relieve nasal stuffiness by constricting the tiny blood vessels in the nose. Topical medications and sprays help to alleviate itching, inflammation, and other skin reactions. Some types, such as calamine, work by soothing and lubricating the surface of the skin; others,such as benzocaine, are local anesthetics that numb the skin.

Secrets to Finding the Right Weight Loss Plan

If a person he is thinking of losing some kind of weight then he must have gone through many diet programs and many weight loss programs which are available to him as options in the market. The number of diet plans is numerous in the market and here there for the plenty of the options as plans for the user and hence the people can switch from one to another if they are not satisfied with the one. So to choose the right diet plan is the best way for the user which surely helps in reducing the weight.

A person shouldn’t feel hungry by following dome diet plan

The failure of these diet plans can be that most of these diet plans makes a person hungry for most of the time. The provision of even sufficient amount of food is not there. As a result the brain along with the body doesn’t work properly. So the right diet plan in this context must be that even after the 10 minutes of the meal the person shouldn’t feel hungry. A proper diet includes 4 meals a day with phenq and there is a wide range of food item included in the program. This will stop the people from doing dieting and prevents the desires.

The menu of the food should be of the choice of the user

The first condition of any diet plan is that it must include the food items of the choice of the user which are generally taken by him. A diet is said to be good if it has all the groups of food and must be of the likes of the people, no forceful eating should be included.

Fitness should be the main concern of any diet plan

Exercises are the main important part of the diet programs and inclusion of such exercise is mandatory in the diet plans. They are the best way to lose the weight in quick time. They results in burning the fat amount and hence increasing the energy levels of the body. So they are the best part of any training or diet or weight loss program.

So if all the above mentioned features are available in any of the diet plans then that program will surely be beneficial for the use and definitely will open the gateways of success. Always go for the knowledge of such diet programs from different sources and hence go for shaping the body.

Female Sexual Dysfunction

The cause of sexual problems in women is not always apparent, so self treatment, counseling, or alternative therapies may take precedence over medical approaches. An estrogen cream or hormone replacement therapy can usually solve the problem of postmenopausal dryness and thinning of the vaginal tissue, a common cause of sexual dysfunction in older women. Surgery may be advised to correct a condition such as endometriosis if it causes painful intercourse.

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Alternative Therapies


Practitioners claim to have achieved positive results in treating impotence and orgasmic difficulties. A series of five or six sessions is usually required.

Herbal Medicine

Ginseng root, available fresh, powdered, or as a tea, is widely prescribed as an aphrodisiac by Asian herbalists. As per and some herbalists also recommend infusions made from licorice root or from damiana, a desert plant. Various fungi and yeast are also believed to contain chemicals similar to the human sex hormones. Yohimbine, an African plant said to stimulate blood flow to the genitals, should be avoided because of its toxicity.


Mutual massage using aromatic oils can be a relaxing and enjoyable prelude to sex.

Meditation and Visualization

Stress and anxiety, which often cause sexual dysfunction, can be overcome through breathing exercises and meditation skills. Using the technique of guided imagery, individuals can visualize themselves in relaxed and erotic settings to enhance arousal.


For centuries, teachers have recommended specific exercises that reportedly liberate sexual energy by inducing relaxation and increasing blood flow. Once learned, they can be a form of self treatment.

Self Treatment

Bookstores and libraries can provide enlightened how to books for over coming nonorganic sexual dysfunctior. The most useful ones are graphic and detailed, and include information about massage, erotic gadgets, and ways to stimulate the mind and body through the use of aromatic oils, music, lighting, and verbalizing one’s fantasies. Take the time to communicate to your sexual partner what you find plezsurable and what you don’t like. Occasionally watch a sex video together. According to Dr. Stephen B. Levine, professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University and a sex researcher, the two most potent aphrodisiacs are “psychological intimacy and voyeurism looking at pictures or movies of people engaged in genital or romantic interplay.” Sometimes, arthritis, a bad back, heart disease, and other chronic health problems interfere with sexual enjoyment. Experimenting with different positions may help, especially if pain is a factor. Talking with a doctor can also provide important insight. For example, many heart patients and their partners are afraid to engage in sex, fearing that it will provoke a heart attack. In general, if a person has enough cardiac stamina to walk up one flight of stairs, sexual intercourse should be safe. Prophylactic use of nitroglycerin can prevent an attack of angina brought on by sexual excitement

Other Causes of Sexual Dysfunction

In addition to conditions cited earlier, disorders that can cause sexual problems include arteriosclerosis and other circulatory problems, spinal cord injuries and other neurological disorders, obesity, and thyroid disease or other hormonal imbalances.

Respect the Relationship Between Home Remedies and Cultural Awareness

Nowhere in our civilization do we find the use of traditional natural herbal treatments and remedies more frequently used than when we deal with the ailments and customary growing-up diseases that all youth encounter in their formative years.  They extend from the earliest drink of mother’s milk to the daily dose of cod liver oil.  Throughout our society we find numerous ways and herbs that have been depended on for centuries to either protect the children from ailments which they might encounter, or that can assist or expedite their recovery from many traditional childhood diseases.

Nearly every family has their selection of cures and treatments that have been handed down through generations.  The child seen dressed in his “Star Wars” leggings and graphic tees purchased with a Groupon from The Children’s Place can be drinking a blend of juices and herbs her parents first tasted while in their grandmother’s kitchen helping to fix breakfast.  Or a prospective mother may be heating a particular herbal tea in a microwave before serving it to her husband who is suffering from a severe cold.  Just because we live in an advanced culture and society does not mean we are so willing to abandon the centuries of knowledge and experience that got us to this point in our lives.  In fact, that knowledge may be the one thing that will enable us to survive the unknowns that we face in the future.  Depending upon time-honored remedies is something that we find common among most societies with long and storied histories.  Chinese, African, and European all held special regard for those persons who specialized in the making and distribution of such remedies.

The preservation of history is intertwined with the maintenance of cultural knowledge and methods.  So the use of particular remedies and preventives reflects that culture’s acquisition of knowledge and retention of information to pass on to future generations.  Thus, the man that sips a cup of hot herbal tea today is the one who uses a Groupon to purchase clothes at a 70% discount from Children’s Place for his son to wear when they make the next visit to the pediatrician for an annual checkup.  It demonstrates how mankind constantly blends together his cultural heritage with modern knowledge to cope with future circumstances.