Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For You?

The vinegar made from fermented apples and water is gaining a lot of popularity for many benefits. The apple cider vinegar is said to have 5% acidity and is used for various purposes such as a salad dresser, tooth whitener, and many more. However, the main question is whether apple cider vinegar is good for you or not. Research suggests that apple cider vinegar is said to have some antimicrobial properties and improves various health conditions if taken in the right quantity. Below given are various benefits and uses of apple cider vinegar.

  • May promote weight loss

Many sources claim that apple cider vinegar can be beneficial in weight loss especially for people who are overweight. Apple cider vinegar alone cannot help you to lose weight however when combined with a low-calorie diet it can help you to lose more weight and also provides many health benefits. A study suggests that when people consumed a low-calorie diet along with apple cider vinegar they lost more weight as compared to those who only followed the diet.

It is also said to help you feel full for a longer time that can help you to avoid unnecessary calories, according to some studies it can also reduce belly fat. However, there is little evidence to support the statement and the results vary from person to person. Also, It is necessary not to consume too much apple cider vinegar as it can be harmful to your health.

  • Lower Blood Sugar

The fact that apple cider vinegar can improve blood sugar levels is somewhat unknown. Some research suggests that it can reduce blood sugar especially in people who are likely to develop type-2 diabetes. It is beneficial in managing blood sugar levels and helps the nutrients to reach the cells. It is also said to good for blood pressure and problems like diabetes. According to studies, consumption of ACV even in a small amount for instance around 3-4 teaspoons can also be beneficial to manage high blood sugar levels, it is advisable to consume it before meals to ensure its effectiveness. It was also seen that diabetic people who took ACV at night time had lower blood glucose in the morning. It can also improve the problem of insulin sensitivity in many people who are insulin-resistant. However, it is necessary to dilute ACV with water before consuming it to avoid any stomach problems.

  • Improve cholesterol levels

Some studies suggest that the consumption of apple cider vinegar can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Triglycerides or lipid fats are found in blood and are made by the calories that you consume but don’t use. High levels of cholesterol and triglyceride are associated with the risk of many heart problems like heart attack and stroke. It is observed in a study that people who followed a less calorie diet along with ACV not only lost more weight but also noticed lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. In some people, there was a rise in levels of a certain type of cholesterol that is referred to as good cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL). This good cholesterol can lower the risk of heart problems and removes bad cholesterol as well. However, it is necessary to dilute ACV before consumption to avoid any other problems.

  • Provides probiotics

One of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is that it is a source of probiotics. Probiotics are generally referred to as good bacteria or yeast that are good for your digestive system and also keeps your gut healthy. Some people may regard these bacteria as unhealthy or as germs, but this is not the case. Your body contains both good and bad bacteria and the intake of good bacteria can keep you healthy for a longer time. Although there are many sources of probiotics like curd, buttermilk, kefir or fermented milk, fermented vegetables, pickles, cheese, and many more. However, many of these products can cause inflammation or digestive issues. In such case, ACV with mother can be used as an alternative for the intake of probiotics. When yeast and bacteria go through the process of fermentation, the product formed is termed as mother.

  • Improves hair health

Other than being used as a salad dresser and for other purposes apple cider vinegar is also known to improve your hair health by removing the leftover product buildup that can clog hair follicles. It acts as a mild exfoliator for the scalp and hair and adds shine to the hair. The acidic nature of ACV neutralizes the effect of alkali products that can cause frizz and deprives your hair of shine. It helps in the removal of dead skin cells and contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that keep problems like dandruff at bay. It is advised to do a patch test before applying the solution on your scalp as the solution can be strong for some people. Further dilute the solution if it is still strong for you.

  • May help with skin problems

Skin problems like acne, blemishes, warts, or skin tags can also be treated with the help of apple cider vinegar. ACV is said to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can kill many types of bacteria including the one that causes acne. Studies suggest that acids in ACV like lactic, acetic, and citric acid are beneficial in acne and kills acne-causing bacteria. It can also prevent scarring and discoloration of the skin. It is necessary to use organic ACV and to dilute it before use.

ACV is also said to remove warts without causing any pain. Although there are many professional methods for warts removal however they can be expensive and painful. The use of ACV for warts is said to work as it contains acetic acid and can kill certain types of bacteria. When ACV is applied to the wart, it gradually burns the skin and dries it up which can cause the wart to fall off. It is necessary to apply it with caution and discontinue the use if you experience any irritation.

  • It can whiten teeth and clean dentures

Apple cider vinegar is acetic in nature and can be used to get whiter and stain-free teeth. It is said to be a bleaching agent that can help you balance the pH level in your mouth and promotes shinier teeth. It can be used as a mouthwash, or you can rub your teeth with the solution daily before going to bed. You can use a cotton swab to rub if you have stains that you want to get rid of. However, it is necessary to rinse your mouth thoroughly afterward as ACV is acidic in nature and it can be harmful to your teeth enamel.

ACV is also said to be an easy way to clean dentures. Although there are many other cleaning solutions specially made for this purpose, however the usage of those solutions can be harmful to your skin inside the mouth as the skin is very sensitive and those solutions contain many harmful chemicals. Using ACV can be effective and more natural. Combine ACV in warm water in equal ration to make the solution and use it. However, avoid this solution on partial dentures.

4 Uses For Phen375 – How It Helps

There are hundreds of diet supplements available at your disposal. They vary in price, usage and what they target. Diet supplements are a big business, and they rake in billions each year. Yes, you read that right. Billions. Not all of them work, but many actually have science backing them up. Phen375 is one of those supplements, and taking it can help you get the body you want.

Appetite Suppression

The primary use of Phen375 is appetite suppression. Phentermine is an appetite suppressant that works with the brain to silence the urges to binge. Instead of consuming a 1,500 calorie breakfast, you can reduce your calories throughout the day to a normal balance. Most dieters have difficult consuming normal amounts of food. This supplement reduces that problem so you can live and eat normally.

Increased Energy Levels

The other ingredients in this supplement boost energy levels. A bad diet and being overweight leads to sluggish feelings. Drowsiness and lack of motivation are common problems. With the energy Phen375 provides, you will feel better with just one dose.

Better energy means you will be more inclined to get active. You will feel happier. You will be more confident. It’s amazing how one small thing can dramatically improve your quality of life.

Fat Burning

The fat burning aspect of Phen375 is the most important. On a normal day your body will burn glucose for fuel first, and then fat stores. This works for weight loss of course, but it works slowly. The proprietary ingredients in Phen375 will trigger your body to burn more fat instead of glucose. You will literally melt fat from your midsection, thighs and butt. This results in a three to five pound weight loss each week! The average person loses only one pound per week.

Increased Metabolism

After you stop taking Phen375 your metabolism will still be going strong. The effects build up to increase muscle in the body. Muscle burns more calories than fat. Since this happens, you will be able to keep the weight off and possibly lose more weight after the fact.

Phen375 is awesome for creating lasting results, and it works in four different ways. You are sure to see the results you have been lusting after.

Macrobiotic Diet

The macrobiotic diet originated in Japan in the middle of the 20th century, not as a cure for any disease, but rather as a lifestyle aimed at enhancing physical and spiritual well-being. It consists primarily of whole-grain cereals, such as wheat, barley, buckwheat, and brown rice, as well as fresh organic vegetables, beans, and nuts. The central concept of this diet is “balance equals health” a belief that optimal health is the natural result of eating, thinking, and living in balance. The concept of balance extends not only to the selection of food, but also to its preparation.

The original macrobiotic diet was developed by a Japanese teacher, George Ohsawa (1893-1966), who reportedly recovered from a serious illness by changing from the refined diet that had gained popularity in Japan to the traditional Japanese diet that consists primarily of brown rice, sea vegetables, and miso soup (made from soybeans). Ohsawa believed that a simple diet was the key to good health. His plan proceeded in 10 stages, from least stringent (30% vegetables, 15% fruits and salads, 30% animal products, 10% whole grains, 10% soups, 5% desserts, and few beverages) to most stringent (60% cereals, 30% vegetables, 10% soups).

In the 1970s, Michio Kushi, one of Oh sawa’s students, took the helm of the macrobiotic movement in the United states. He replaced the 10-stage program with the standard macrobiotic diet practiced today. Kushi uses traditional Chinese medicine’s concepts of yin and yang to explain cancer development and to provide a framework for cancer treatment. He maintains that the primary factor responsible for cancer is the consumption of foods that are too in (expansive) or too yang (contractive). Extremely in foods include dairy products, tropical fruits, refined sugar, coffee, and alcohol; extremely yang foods include meat, poultry, fish, salty foods, cheese, and eggs. Whole-grain foods are considered ideal neither too yin nor too yang.

Reported uses

Today, the macrobiotic diet plan is one of the most widely practiced alternative nutritional regimens in the United States, used by healthy people to maintain good health and by patients with serious illnesses, such as cancer, who haven’t been helped by conventional therapy or who are combining the diet with conventional medical treatments.

Proponents believe that cancer is the result of prolonged exposure to dietary and environmental toxins, a sedentary lifestyle, and other social and personal factors, most of which are attributable to the patient’s own unhealthful practices.

How the treatment is performed

According to Kushi, cancers are classified as predominantly yin or yang (or a combination), depending on where the primary tumor originated. Tumors located in peripheral or upper areas (esophagus, breast, upper stomach, and outer parts of brain) as well as lymphoma and leukemia are considered those in deeper or lower regions (colon, rectum, pancreas, prostate, ovaries, bone, inner parts of brain) are considered yang. Once the cancer is classified, the diet is modified appropriately-emphasizing yang foods for yin cancers, and vice versa-to bring in and yang back into balance within the body.

Additional measures include engaging in regular exercise; avoiding electromagnetic radiation, chemical fumes, and synthetic fabrics; and maintaining a positiv attitude. This essentially vegan regimen emphasizes the intake of complex carbohydrates, high-fiber foods, unsaturated fats, and unrefined foods. Proponents view the plan not simply as a diet but as a sensible approach to daily living.


Although the standard macrobiotic diet allows small amounts of fish, people who forego all dairy products and meats may develop frank deficiencies of calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. For children, who need vitamin D for proper groWth and development, Kushi advocates fish liver oils, exposure to sunlight, and other foods that contain the vitamin. For teenagers and adults, he advises exposure to sunlight and no supplements unless deficiencies develop.

Clinical considerations

  • Suggest periodic blood tests to check for anemia (from protein deficiency) and vitamin and iron deficiencies.
  • Be sure patient understands the diet and knows that other treatments may be available.
  • Advise patient to notify his health care provider that he is on this diet.

Research summary

By the early 1980s, a number of books (including Kushi’s The Cancer Prevention Diet) were beginning to claim that the macrobiotic diet could be used not only to enhance well-being but also to prevent cancer and even induce remission. Since then, numerous reports have appeared in the popular media claiming cancer cure after patients switched to the macrobiotiC diet. In his book, Kushi says cancers of the breast, colon, cervix, pancreas, liver, bone, and skin have responded best to macrobiotics. Despite substantial anecdotal evidence, to date there are no clinical data in support of these claims.

Most mainstream doctors and nutritionists are skeptical about claims that the macrobiotic diet (or any other diet) can cure cancer or other diseases. However, Barrie Cassileth, a founding member of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s (NCCAM) Advisory Council and currently affiliated with Harvard Medical School, says that certain aspects of the diet “have merit if not carried to extremes.” Like oth er low fat diets, she says, the macrobiotic diet can lower weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels and may help prevent heart disease and possibly certain cancers. And, like other vegetarian diets, it requires the use of supplements to make up for certain nutritional deficiencies.

A 1993 editorial in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition suggests that the macrobiotic diet may be worth examining as a treatment for cancer because of its nutritional inadequacy, nothing that “a nutritional regimen clearly deficient in growth promoting substances might actually be helpful in controlling otherwise untreatable diseases.”

Erections Can Last Longer with Male Extra

One of the biggest reasons as to why Male Extra is as popular of a male enhancement cream as it is comes from how it works with creating longer erections. This is a great benefit because having a longer erection will allow a man to have more time with getting a woman to be pleased.

typical erection can last for about two hours when Male Extra is used. This is much longer than that of a typical erection that a man would normally be dealing with. This extended erection is beneficial in that it can give a man a longer window of opportunity for which to work with an erection.

The extended duration of this erection is something that is easily attainable. This is thanks to how the natural ingredients will be easily moved into the penis. This directly works to the penis with all natural ingredient used to help get everything to move in with ease. Therefore, there is no need to worry about one’s body having to deal with all of the effects of this type of pill. You can check all ingredients list at

In fact it will not take too long for the instant performance of Male Extra to work. It only takes approximately one minute for the product to work out right. This is a great advantage in that it can allow a person to be ready for sex when that person is actually ready for it to begin. There is no need to worry about waiting for a long erection to start when Instant Performer is being used.

Another great thing about Male Extra with length in mind is that it will help to improve the stamina of the user. This is a necessity because increased stamina is needed so it will be easier to deal with a harder and more comfortable erection. The ability to get a stronger erection going will help to ensure that a more comfortable and satisfying sexual experience can be enjoyed by all people.

The best part of this process is that the erections that are created by Male Extra will last long but they will not go on for too long. This is important because an erection that lasts for longer than it should be can cause tissues in one’s penis to be damaged. When this happens it will be harder for the penis to attain an erection.

Fortunately, Male Extra works only around the penis and not in other areas of the body. Therefore, it will be easy for the body to signal when an erection is going to stop. This is so the penis can be protected and that it will be able to use Male Extra for another extended erection later on.

This is one of the best parts of Male Extra out there. Male Extra can be used to get a man to have a stronger erection and to work with that erection for a longer period of time. This is something that will make him and his partner feel more comfortable and relaxed.


Fever therapy, heat therapy, thermotherapy

Hyperthermia, or fever indiction therapy, is used to stimulate the immune system by inducing fever in a patient whose body is too debilitated by a disease to wount a defense on its own. Many alternative practitioners see fever as the body’s natural response to a pathogen. Fever has been shown to stimulate immune system production of antibodies and may also enhance the body’s excretion of toxins, such as pesticides and drug residues (especially when combined with cold treatments). Hyperthermia can also be effective in relieving muscle aches, combating tiredness, and improving blood circulation.

Exogenous heat sources can be applied to the entire body or a single body part. Whole body application of exogenous heat, commonly referred to as heat therapy, is done with heating sources such as hot baths (see “Hydrotherapy,” above), diathermy, or hot air (wet and dry saunas). Local application of exogenous heat, called thermotherapy, uses radiant heating devices that give off infrared rays, and conductive heating devices such as hot water bottles, paraffin baths, moist hot packs, or computerized application of microwaves.

Safety Risk Induced hyperthermia, also called hyperpyrexia or fever therapy, is a state of artificially induced fever. Hyperpyrexia is induced by injecting a pyrogen such as blood products, vaccines, pollens, or benign forms of malaria. This experimental method of znducing general hyperthermia is dangerous and unreliable and is not recommended

Reported uses

Hyperthermia is used in a variety of health challenges, ranging from viral and bacterial infections to cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Therapeutic effects of hyperthermia vary based on the degree of body involved and the modalities used to increase the tissue temperatures. Body involvement may range from the entire body, to the extremities (arms, legs, hands, or feet), to focused tissues (such as, specific tumor tissues). Alternative practitioners have successfully treated acute and chronic infections with simple, whole-body methods of inducing general hyperthermia. The same methods are used to precipitate detoxification a complementary therapy useful in treatment of chronic illnesses and cancer. High-tech local hyperthermia has gained acceptance as a promising new complementary procedure in cancer therapy.

Bacterial and viral infections

Whole-body hyperthermia is successful in treating both acute and chronic infections such as upper and lower respiratory infections (colds and flu), urinary tract infections, and Lyme disease. Its effects range from potentiation of white cell antimicrobia activity to direct viricidal and bactericidal activity. Hyperthermia alone may not destroy all the invading organisms, but it can significantly reduce their numbers and thus the overall load on the immune system.

HIV infection

Studies have shown the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is very sensitive to temperature above the normal body temperature of 98.6° F. Treatment of 107.6° F for 30 minutes showed a 40% decrease the HIV activity. Patients with HIV infections experienced a decrease in night sweats, decreased frequency of secondary infections, and a greater sense of well-being after hyperthermia treatments.

Cancer therapy

The concept of treating cancerous cells with heat began with serendipitous findings of spontaneous tumor regression in patients with smallpox, influenza, tuberculosis, and malaria, who had experienced fevers of 104° F. This lead to a period of experimentation with fever therapy (hyperpyrexia), which is done by injecting blood products, vaccines, pollens, and benign forms of malaria. This method proved to be both unreliable and dangerous, and was rejected by the medical community. Heat therapy was not considered a reliable modality until medical scientist Haim I. Bicher began experimenting with focused microwave diathermy.

How the treatment is performed

Low-tech hyperthermia involves simple techniques of immersion in hot water (baths) followed by wrapping the body in sheets and blankets, exposing the patient to radiant heat by using a heat lamp, or having the patient sit in wet or dry saunas. Treatment can be given on an outpatient basis in the office or clinic, and typically nothing more than a bathtub, heat lamps, sauna, or steam room is needed.

High-tech methods of raising the patient’s internal temperature include ultrasound therapy for deep heating of body parts, microwave diathermy for heat directed to specific cells or tissues, and extracorporal heating of the blood, which is invasive and effects the entire body.

Heating and diaphoretics herbs such as Achillea millefoliu (yarrow) tea are a helpful in promoting the hyperthermia state and are particularly useful during wholebody hyperthermia therapies.

Immersion hot water baths

This treatment is usually done in a deep, stainless steel tub. The water is typically heated to between 101° and 108° F, although temperatures as high as 115° are sometimes used if the patient can tolerate them. The goal is to keep the body temperature at between 102° and 104° F for about 20 minutes. The typical treatment requires approximately 30 minutes 10 minutes for the body temperature to rise and 20 minutes of maintained high temperature. The individual is removed from the water and wrapped in a dry sheet and several blankets for 30 more minutes to continue the internal heating.

Treatment frequency and duration depends on the presenting problem. For upper and lower respiratory infections, patients typically undergo only 1 or 2 treatments before improving in a few days. For more serious conditions, however, therapy can take much longer. Cancer patients typically begin with 15 treatments over a 3-week period followed by a 3-week rest. The cycle is then repeated 4 more times, and in cases may continue for as long as a year.


General external application of dry or moist heat causes vasodilation (swelling of the arteries) and diaphoresis (sweating), which is the body’s attempt to prevent the internal increase in temperature. Superficial vessels in the skin initially contract, increasing the blood pressure. This can make the patient feel as if his head is full and bursting, an uncomfortable effect that dissipates in a short amount of time and can be avoided by applying a cold compress or ice bag to the head. Patients must be monitored carefully; apparent discomfort and the state of pulse, respiration, and skin coloring are observed to be certain the patient doesn’t become dehydrated or suffer heat exhaustion.


In ultrasound, special equipment emits inaudible sound in the frequency range of approximately 20,000 to 10 billion (109) cycles/second. The sound directs its thermal effects deep into the targeted tissues. Ultrasound waves can be transmitted through a coupling agent applied directly onto the skin or through water with the transmitting head held 1 inch from the skin.

Treatment duration varies based on the condition; treatment for acute conditions lasts 4 minutes; for chronic conditions the treatment lasts 10 minutes. Care should be taken when placing the transmitting ultrasound head as these sound waves have the ability to fracture bones, melt myelin sheaths, and burn the periosteum if used incorrectly.

Radiant heat

Radiant heat can be applied with heat lamps and ultraviolet lamps. The body should be kept 30 inches from the ultraviolet lamp source. Treatment durations begin at 15 seconds and increase to 3 minutes as the sessions proceed. Once the 3-minute time frame is reached, the UV lamp can be drawn closer by 2 inches per treatment session until a distance of 18 inches is reached.

Microwave diathermy

Microwave radiation is a high-frequency oscillatory current used to heat specific target cells. All metal must be removed from the general area of treatment to prevent current arcing. The microwave apparatus is placed 1 to 5 inches from the target area. Placement and duration of treatment vary depending on the desired effect. Microwave radiation shouldn’t be used over pacemakers or metal implants.

Extracorporeal heating of the blood

Blood is removed from the body, delivered to an external heating device, heated, and returned to the body at the higher temperature. This procedure is used in patients with HIV.


Safe and appropriate use of hyperthermia requires an understanding of the safe limits of induced temperature and the Contraindications to heat therapy. The lower limit of body temperature for human Survival is 74° F; the upper limit is 113° F. Normal cells die at a temperature of 110° F.

Hyperthermia therapists find that adults in good health can tolerate temperatures of 107.6° F for periods of 8 to10 hours. However, the therapist must take into account the whole presentation of the patient, including age, health status, and past medical history. For example, hyperthermia should be strictly avoided during pregnancy, due to potential danger to the unborn child, and in individuals with temperature regulation problems, especially the very old and very young.

Heat therapy should also be restricted in patients with cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias and tachycardia and in those with severe hypertension or hypotension. People with arrhythmias and tachycardia risk increased chance of myocardial infarction from altered blood flow dynamics caused by systemic or local application of heat. Severely hypertensive patients risk hemorrhagic stroke, while severely hypotensive patients risk syncope and tissue ischemic damage.

Heat shouldn’t be applied to extremities of patients with peripheral vascular disease such as arteriosclerosis, advanced diabetes, Raynaud’s syndrome, or Berger’s disease due to their compromised sensation of heat and increased risk of burns. Sensitivity to extreme temperatures is seen in other chronic conditions, such as anemia, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid disease, seizure disorders, and tuberculosis; patients with these conditions may require a reduction in the number of treatments, a reduction in the intensity of heat applied, or another method of treatment.

Patients with acute illness may initially have difficulty tolerating the extreme temperatures, but this usually subsides after hyperthermia is initiated. Use heat therapy with caution in these individuals. Other reported risks in weakened individuals are herpes outbreaks and liver toxi city.

Training Licensed naturopathic physicians. w,ho graduated from a 4-year trammg program are trained in general and local hyperthermia techniques. However, there are no certification programs for focused microwave hyperthermia. The best option is a licensed conventional physician with at least 1 year of special training in hyperthermia treatments.

Clinical considerations

  • Factors to consider before using heat therapy include age of the patient, his overall health status, and any medications he is currently taking. High temperatures can increase the efficacy of certain drugs to the point of toxicity.
  • Heat therapy can cause or exacerbate internal bleeding. Use extreme caution with patient with anemia, heart disease, and diabetes due to his increased risk of hemorrhage, Periodically take vital signs to catch early signs of increased blood loss and hypovolemic shock.
  • Patient with a history of seizure disorders shouldn’t be treated with whole body hyperthermia methods due to his increased risk of seizure activity and possible nervous system damage.
  • Local hyperthermia can be used with constant monitoring.
  • Patient with tuberculosis has a high risk of reactivation of the latent bacteria due to the increased heat stress on the body.
  • Electrical devices shouldn’t be used to heat moist dressings due to the high risk of electrical shock. Microwave diathermy can burn periocular tissues and is contraindicated in people with pacemakers. Radiant heat lamps are safely used to promote local hyperthermia; however, misuse, overexposure, or direct skin contact with the heat lamp can cause blistering, dermal burns, and even heatstroke.
  • Heatstroke is characterized by hyperthermia (42° C), delirium, coma, and anhidrosis, a breakdown of the hypothalamic heat regulatory mechanisms, which has a mortality rate as high as 80% if untreated, Survivors can develop neurological deficits, including cerebellar ataxia and sever dysarthria. Therapists must be alert to changes in the patient and be prepared to rapidly facilitate the dissipation of heat from the individual. Continuous sponging with tepid water and Continuous gentle massage promotes cutaneous vasodilation and dissipation of heat.
  • Promoting hyperthermia via fevers induced by injecting blood products, vaccines, pollens, and benign forms of malaria is both unreliable and dangerous. This procedure is not recommended.

Research summary

Multiple studies have shown that whole body hyperthermia plays a positive role in several aspects of the healing process destruction of the invading organism, stimulation of the immune system, and general detoxification of the body – all of which are needed to regain and maintain optimum health. Studies have also shown that focused hyperthermia of specifically targeted tissues can modify cell membranes in a manner that actually protects the healthy cells and makes the cancer cells more susceptible to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Used as adjunctive therapy, focused microwave diathermy may thus permit lower doses of these potent and toxic forms of therapy.

Research Hyperthermia was given legal status as an approved medical procedure in 1984. Hyperthermic oncology, currently reimbursed by Medicare and most insurance companies, has now joined surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy in the expanding arsenal of proven, effective treatments for both primary cancer and locally recurrent tumors.

HGH Supplement or Releaser – Which is best for you?

When you are looking at some of the best things that have HGH components more, you will find many of them. Often people get confused between Supplement and releaser. So, here is a quick differentiation that will help you select the one.

HGH Supplement

HGH Supplements are the basic supplement for your body. They don’t focus any of the particular glands or does any part growth particular. It is useful for the overall growth of your body.

HGH Releaser

HGH Releasers are the HGH variant where they focus more on the pituitary gland. When you need more amount of HGH particularly in the pituitary gland. You should choose the releaser.

Both of these are good and you should consume it according to your needs. Don’t just buy directly, read some reviews at before ordering one.

Best for you?

If you are still in confusing which one you should take then here is your answer. If you want the HGH component to go right in the pituitary gland, you should choose the HGH releaser. Whereas if you want the overall growth and not on any specific part then for you, HGH supplement will be the best option to go with.

Buying Idol Lash – The Eyelash Enhancer Which Works

You might sometimes think that your eyes don’t look as beautiful as others inspite of having large beautiful eyes. Well, you might have missed the fact that your eyelashes are hampering the beauty of the eyes. Without thick and dense eyelashes, the beauty of the eyes remains incomplete. And this is a very common problem in majority of women. This is the reason artificial eyelash extensions are such high in demands in the market. But with Idol Lash, you have a natural solution to the issue. Idol Lash is an eyelash enhancer serum, which helps in getting dense and long eyelashes within a really short span of time.

Any cosmetic item which is to be applied in the most sensitive eye area needs to be handled with caution. Idol Lash is absolutely safe in this regard. The formulation used in the eyelash enhancer serum is completely natural and clinically proved. Therefore there are no risks of any kinds from application of the serum. Also, applying the serum is absolutely hassle free. Just apply the same at the base of the eyelashes after removing makeup from eyes completely. The serum will work on the lashes all throughout the night when you are asleep.

Innumerable women including stars and celebrities have used this product and opined really highly regarding the same. In order to make your purchase of Idol Lash, you have to go to the website of the product and fill up the online order form for placing the order.


Dyer’s madder, robbia, Rubia tinctorum

Madder is a perennial plant indigenous to southern Europe, western Asia, and North Africa and cultivated in other regions. The medicinal part is the dried root, which contains 2% to 4% anthraquinone derivatives and glycosides. Principal components are ruberythric acid, alizarin, pseudopurpurin, rubiadin, lucidin, and lucidin 3-0-primeveroside. Its mechanism of action stems from the Ca2+ chelating properties of anthraquinones. Madder may also be mutagenic and carcinogenic because of the lucidin component. It’s available as dried root, extract, and capsules.


Reported uses

Madder is used as an antispasmodic, a diuretic, and a prophylactic and treatment for kidney stones. It’s also added to foods as a colorant.


  • Capsules: 1 capsule by mouth three times a day for up to 2 months
  • Extract: 20 gtt by mouth three times a day for up to 2 months
  • Infusion: 1 to 2 g by mouth four times a day for up to 2 months.


Madder has been associated with contact dermatitis, cancer, and red discoloration of perspiration, saliva, tears, urine, and bone. Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding shouldn’t use madder.

Safety Risk Because of the risk of toxicity, madder is not recommended.

Clinical considerations

  • Warn patient about the possible risks of mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of madder.
  • If patient has suspected kidney stontell him to discuss conventional treatments with health care provider before using this herb.
  • Instruct patient who takes madder to notify health care provider about planned, suspected, or known pregnancy
  • Inform patient that madder may discolor body fluids and objects they touch such as contact lenses.
  • Tell patient to remind prescriber and pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that. he’s taking when obtaining a new prescnption.
  • Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

Research has confirmed the carcinogenic and mutagenic effects of madder.


Agrao, berro, brunnenkressenkraut, crescione di fonte, Indian cress, mizugarushi, nasilord, nasturtii herba, Nasturtium officinale, oranda-garashi, scurvy grass, seladaair

The useful parts of watercress are obtained from the above ground parts of Nasturtium officinale. It contains mustard oil, vitamin C, beta carotene, minerals, and vitamins B1 B2, E, and K. Watercress has diuretic and slight antibiotic activity, which may also result from mustard oil.

Reported uses

Watercress is used for treating catarrh (an inflammation of the air passages usually involving the nose, throat, or lungs), chronic bronchitis, and mucous membrane inflammation of the respiratory tract. It’s also used as a poultice for skin irritation, a detoxifying agent, a diuretic, a spring tonic, and an appetite stimulant. Watercress is also widely cultivated as a salad herb.


  • The average daily dose is 4 to 6 g of dried herb, 20 to 30 g fresh herb, or 60 to 150 g freshly pressed juice
  • The average daily dose of watercress tea is 2 to 3 cups, taken by mouth. The tea is prepared by pouring 150 ml boiling water over 2 g of drug (about 1 to 2 teaspoons), covering for 10 to 15 minutes, and then straining.


Watercress may cause GI irritation, kidney damage, and skin irritation. It may potentiate the effects of drugs such as chlorzoxazone and orphenadrine citrate. There may be additive effects if watercress is used with diuretics. Watercress may antagonize the anticoagulant effects of warfarin because of its high vitamin K content. Pregnant or breast-feeding women should avoid watercress, as should chil dren younger than age 4 years and patients with gastric ulcers, intestinal ulcers, or inflammatory kidney disease.

Clinical considerations

  • Consuming large amounts of watercress may cause GI irritation.
  • Watercress can be used topically as a poultice or compress, but watch for skin irritation.
  • Caution patient about possible GI irritation from the effects of mustard oil on mucous membranes.
  • Use caution if patient also takes an anticoagulant. Warn the patient that watercress has a vitamin K content and instruct him to watch for signs of bleeding, such as easy bruising and bleeding gums.
  • Warn patient not to take watercress before seeking medical attention because doing so may delay diagnosis of a potentially serious medical condition.
  • Warn patient to keep all herbal products away from children and pets.
  • Tell patient to remind pharmacist of any herbal and dietary supplements that are being taken when obtaining a new prescription.
  • Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a conventional treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

The concepts behind the use of watercress and the claims made regarding its effects have not yet been validated scientifically.

Onychorrhexis – A Brittle Nail Disease

Overview, Causes, & Risk Factors

Finger nail and toe nail break down easily as they are weak.

What is happening into our body?

Finger nails and toe nails are prepared with the help of the protein-layer. The thinness as well as the potency in the nails is present since birth. Partition or breakage in the protein layer can take place in a human being with frail nail.

Sources and danger regarding Onychorrhexis

Aridness in the spike is the major factor for the frailness in nail. A number of folks contain a hereditary problem to weak tacks. As the beings grow up, their nail becomes weaker and easily break down. Taking bath in warm water for extended period is also a reason for the dryness of the spikes.

Following are some disease and circumstances for that causes delicate nail:

  1. Hypothyroidism is a state caused due to low level of thyroid hormone.
  2. Reynaud’s phenomenon is disarray which hands and struts are affected.
  3. Fur diseases, as Psoriasis
  4. Under nourishment

Symptoms & Signs

Some of the indication which are linked to this infection are mentioned below

  1. Flaking at the nail tilts
  2. Simply falling down
  3. Identification & analysis

Judgment of disease

The determination of the dedicated nail is noticed while gash of the nail is noticed. Analytical tests are generally planned under core state.

How this danger can be detected?

Human beings theme to frail nail must bound the sum of series used by them as well as how long they keep their hand wet. Most of them apply soft soap.

As soon as our hands are dried with a cloth, a moisturizer is to be used by the person on his infected part. There are 2 varieties of moisturizers which are as under:

  1. Beauty moisturizers is that which provides instant release but when they are been used. The people suffering from this infection will get extreme relief with the help of this treatment.
  2. Healing moisturizers act as the wall that protects vanishing off water from the nails.

A few extra actions which can be taken are mentioned as under:

  1. tiring protecting handbag when necessary
  2. staying away from extended contact with the dampen in activity such as swimming
  3. Keeping away from contact acting with the element that irritates infected part.
  4. A number of minerals and vitamins are present in the market for the prevention from the infection and it has also been proved totally safe and effective.

How to handle the indication?

Fragile tacks are cured in the similar manner as they are protected. A number of minerals and vitamins are present, but not a bit have been verified effectual for the beings

Is there any negative effect in the treatment?

There is no downbeat effect in the treatment except the person is sensitive to the moisturizers. The moisturizer ought to be spread on the infected part of the body which will cure as well as protect it from further damage.